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I ask whether being good at acting has ever helped him with his social anxiety. Was that going to happen to me? Katrina washed away more than material possessions; she washed away my childhood photo albums, souvenirs, and youth landmarks, which still meant something to me. As a teenager, he was a car enthusiast, and a boxer. Latest News. He also played the role of Ash in Men. What social life he has beyond acting, he keeps pretty private, too. Some refuge was found in drama workshops at a nearby youth theatre. The black-and-white of things — it clams me up. Also, having moved to New York over 25 years ago, was it worth it? Along the way I start to notice that, actually, there are telling parallels between the way Whishaw approaches a one-on-one interaction such as ours and his perilous technique for dunking biscuits. Archived from the original on July 26,

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