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If we throw waste meat and dairy in the general waste bin, they end up buried in landfill, putrefying in a low oxygen environment and producing large amounts of methane and nitrous oxide. Password recovery. Find the best Disney Pride merch here so you can celebrate, too. Meat and dairy … in or out? Lastly, we need to consider what the alternative to composting or feeding to animals is. Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita has defended the age-verification law by saying that porn websites make explicit material too easily accessible to children. In either case cool or hot we want to chop or break up the meat or dairy into small pieces and distribute them though the most active part of our pile with a good dose of carbon-rich material to balance their high nitrogen content. Now, this fear is not unfounded. Next story in Cancel. Your email required. We not only lose the value of these nutrients from our communities; we create a terrible problem at the other end. Physical barriers or high temperatures — both effective ways to keep rodents from getting to composting meat or dairy.

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