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Pornhub darcie dolce

TJ discovered a gay Christmas tree, the required elements for a successful Power Lunch, and TJ makes a case for body odor and dark urine. Why Sweden runs on Snus, Kumail at Funke, we're coming to Denver and we're staying at the airport hotel, and we try to explore the mind of a useless replier. We chat about Jason having a Chris day today, a recent expose on air travel's CLEAR, we reminisce about Vegas trade shows, Moshe invents a slew of terms early in our convo, wallpaper is now more important than microphones in today's podcast studios, our love of his earlier podcast The Champs, with Neal Brennan, I suggest he does my favorite impression of all time and he more than delivers, the generational passing of the content torch, why he's written two memoirs in his young life, chapters are like mini books, our mutual DJ to comedy pipeline, getting sober at sixteen and starting his rave career, a humbling night at Medieval Times, and we brainstorm some ideas about how to save Burning Man. Chris and Jason talk about Emily in Paris Season 3 spoilers, Jason tries to dissect why Chris is resistant to White Lotus despite the subject matter being up his street, Chris only wants to be challenged by books, a full report on the Celine fashion show from the music to the music, TJ is playing a Cinespace reunion party this week and we're not sure if there will be valet, we use Sza as a jumping off point to argue whether or not you need a hit song to be successful and what even is a hit song, the edible starts kicking in and Chris said Joe Budden played Mazzy Star on his podcast, Winter House vs. His newest book, Subculture Vulture, is out next month. We chat about what to eat while watching Wimbledon, the heat in New York is actually different, influencer "sponsor me" videos, we won't need wet wipes in the near future, Troye Savant's Rushgate, performative egg-slonking, fitness grifters, Arnold invented cigars, the strike is starting to affect us, and we're going to catch up to AI before AI catches up with us. We chat about Starbucks olive oil and an afterschool scene report, marijuana pizza, I wanna see you put the za'atar breadcrumbs on with my own two eyes, Chris goes over the entire plot of the book Romantic Comedy, flirting over email, the Indigo Girls really make me squirt, hard seltzer's strengthening chokehold on America's youth, if your blue check got taken away and you didn't tweet about it, were you ever verified? His new album Boat Songs, is out now. We chat about having our own trailer, Chris learning how to festival his way, Them Jeans live, DJing is better than music, texting while driving and smoking while DJing is sludge content, American rapper Azealia Banks, Chris wants to get hypnotized to stop sleeping wrong, watching a movie on the plane because the artwork for it is so bad you have to now, one week of touring has basically destroyed us, brown rice as a comfort food, cereal ceremony, the eating disorder wedding, JA Morantics, scalp oil, and double mommy Mother's Day. We chat about TJ in Sea Ranch, lunch at the Michelin-starred Harbor House Inn, LCD Soundsystxm for Amex, his thoughts on New York, he loves a good saloon, we make him rank his favorite sports to watch on TV, how he's put his econ degree to use, his history with "wombatting," his love of Guns N' Roses and 80's power ballads, how he deals with Twitter, we rank neighborhoods in LA, how he got invited to Dave Grohl's birthday party, his hangover cure will anger you, he has strong "Wedding Crasher" energy, how his hometown has changed now that it's a fan destination, cross-pollinating with other Bravo talent, and watching Swingers in college every night before he went out to party. How Long Gone is a bi-coastal elite podcast from old friends and podcast professionals, Chris Black and Jason Stewart. We chat with Amber about the Safdie's split, Damp January, a dinner with Nick Wooster, Jurgen's annual W Magazine shoot, when her dog is allowed on the bed, adjusting to life in Detroit, our on-stage relationship with alcohol, The Family Stone and the Netflix winery rom-com, her father basically invented natural wine, when musicians should stop, Christmas at the Girlfriend's parents, non-alcoholic beer, the online hate she receives for her name, she's not particularly huge in Japan, dating is hard even for her hot successful friends, a ketamine date from hell, she makes an amazing gravy, and she's moving to California soon.

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