Pornhub disabled in mississippi

Pornhub disabled in mississippi

Is it really your argument that laws against murder have no impact against murders committed? NY Digital Editor. No ads. More than a handful of states across the US have passed age verification legislation in the last year. The Texas case illuminates similar restrictions on pornography websites across the US. Pornhub will be one of a handful of sites to either require age ID or block traffic in the state. The only solution that makes the internet safer, preserves user privacy and stands to prevent children from accessing adult content is performing age verification at the source: on the device. It only drives whatever you try to prohibit underground. That's a big part of why Pornhub sees device-based age verification as a preferred solution, compared to submitting IDs or requiring facial scans—which forces all compliant adult sites to collect sensitive data that could be leaked and harm users. The laws - and pushback from the porn industry - cast light on the debate over free speech and child safety. But, a snoop can only see who is talking to whom, not what is being said. I'd prefer Porn Police ticket women for shocking yoga britches on plus sized booties waddling in public.

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