Pornhub dominance

Pornhub dominance

Loading Comments It Can Cure Your Porn Addiction This one threw me for a bit of a loop: AskMen claims that masturbating with your non-dominant hand may be a way to mitigate the effects of a porn addiction , including erectile dysfunction. It is wildly misleading…. However, among the older participants who began masturbating before computers came along, they did it almost exclusively with their right hand, which I assume has been their technique since the days when they jerked off to the wireless. To train a submissive to cum by simply saying a word cum-on-command is a very different ability than whipping someone…. I really liked your way of thinking about all that. Ok… Will Delete shortly Like Like. This one threw me for a bit of a loop: AskMen claims that masturbating with your non-dominant hand may be a way to mitigate the effects of a porn addiction , including erectile dysfunction. DS Like Like. You mentioned the concept behind this several times yourself: arousing the mind is the first and most important thing. Search for:. Who knows, maybe one day.

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