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Recent Articles. Artists and art connoisseurs often decry art that is manipulative, whether sentimental Hallmark movies or religious and political propaganda. In Genesis 3, God provides clothing made of animal skins to cover their bodies. Happy independence day - 4th of july taboo ffm family bbq feat. Josh Tiessen is a fine artist, speaker, and writer based in Stoney Creek, Ont. Kinky Family Kamryn Jayde Giving virginity to stepdad. As we seek to honour God with our own bodies, we must likewise honour the bodies of others in the art we make and partake of. The pornification of our age is killing art. It also violates human dignity by sexually objectifying human beings made in the image of God. Home Latest Top rated Most viewed Longest. We must also be wary of the cheap trick of sexualized art. Columns Finer Strokes The hyper-sexualization of art March 1, 5 minute read.

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