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He was once hit in the head by a wayward strike from Nicky Butt and lived to tell the tale. Retrieved 17 July In he became the owner of the porn website RedTube and in he sold the site to Manwin, now known as Mindgeek. Company records showed Bergemar lived in China, but was found to be actually living in a mansion in London after the investigation by Tortoise Media. Financial Times. I need to stop with the innuendos now, don't I. It has been an incredibly disappointing campaign for Joachim Low's side and to put their performances into perspective, Germany will bow out of the tournament with just four points. Archived from the original on 17 December New York Post. Their shock elimination has certainly been a huge talking point on social media and PornHub clearly felt they needed to 'rub it in'. He owned more than half of the shares, but was a passive investor and not involved in the day-to-day business. Contents move to sidebar hide.

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