Pornhub husband

Pornhub husband

June, for those of us with kids, is equally aggravating and exciting. My concern would be is he choosing porn over sex. Has anyone else gone through this? Recipes 21 January. I am 2 months pp. Introduce yourself Ask a question Share your experience Receive updates from this group. In my marriage, I think we both use it as a way to satisfy ourselves without having to expend the energy of initiating and carrying out sex. Really talking about it will help you both figure out where to go from here. Men seem to stay pretty consistent in my experience but I have always felt the same way - super into it at first and then not as much. Addiction is real. I felt totally inadequate and worthless compared to the stuff he was watching. I have not but my husband and I talked about porn before we got married and agreed it's unacceptable in our marriage.

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