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If you are wanting to have more enjoyable sex together, you might find reading a few more articles on here to be useful Should Men Last Longer At Sex? Porn has taken down a whole generation of young guys silently. Balls and Cum — what happens when you ejaculate and what happens after Try not to beat yourself up about not lasting as long as porn guys. See all the posts about how to have more enjoyable and consensual sex The second is that there is obviously a statistical bias at work in looking at dudes working as mainstream porn performers. A drug? You can have a good relationship and be quick at cumming. Cheers, ABB. You should put the back story in. And, yes, in my case at least, giving oral sex to a responsive woman is a huge turn-on for me too. The flip side is that staying hard is more difficult and getting to orgasm, if the producers require a cumshot, is often a challenge. Worst thing a guy can do is get overheated with oral sex, and just explode on entry. Search forums.

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