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As portrayed, after being released from Chuck's oily grasp by a porn Producer, Linda continues to ooze unhappiness to a denouement that's a half-hearted reunion with mortified parents. JamesHitchcock 25 November She said he forced her to move to New York, where he became her manager, pimp , and husband. Cambridge University Press. It was Chuck Traynor, a depraved man hungered by power, money and male dominance. It's sad, dismal, and, as "Lovelace" proves, a story Hollywood still does not want to tell. Quality Quality reset All. That Chuck Traynor went on to marry another famous actress in the porn industry in his nuptials to Marilyn Chambers. She will get us on her side before the film ends. We first meet Linda Amanda Seyfried as a year-old girl living with her parents Robert Patrick and an unrecognizable Sharon Stone in Florida, where she and her friend are hired as Go-Go dancers at the local skating rink. My only concern about this brilliantly acted, triumph story is who accurate the entire film is. The scenes of abuse seem so choreographed and rushed that it is hard to feel the weight or emotional impact that is intended.

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