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I read that Linda Lovelace was so ashamed of starring in two bestiality flicks "Dogarama" and "Dog One" that she later claimed that she was forced to have sex with her pet dog. Clear your history. He was so influential in getting me into the role and getting me there emotionally. But I do think, as with Linda Lovelace's other movies, that she is an actual actress that can portray her part. Mail will not be published required. Lovelace: a feminism-free 'feminist' critique of the pornography industry. A few months ago, I mentioned an intended blog post I have yet to write about the conflicting narratives of Linda Lovelace with regard to her experiences making Deep Throat : This story involves Linda Lovelace, famous to oldsters like me for her uninhibited performance in the now-vintage porn movie Deep Throat. She knew what she was doing and so did the dog. There are numerous sex scenes and in the end this is just a really pointless film. It's hard to say. I'm really not sure what to say about this notorious film other than the obvious and that this thing just crosses any sorts of lines in regards to good taste. A lot of the cinematography is trying to capture how she has to satisfy herself with her human lover, but when it comes to having relations with the dog, it's between two lovers in contrast.

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