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Both Redfield and Tangara are proud of their one-on-one "mentoring" system that each student receives for their spiritual, emotional and academic development. Alex was a year-old student at Tangara when she was encouraged to join Opus Dei by a senior teacher who was also a numerary. After Gohan came back from his camping trip, Chi-Chi meets his new friend which is a dragon he named Icarus. He lies and says he loves her to keep her from hurting him because he had seen what happened to the dinosaur. She retains her green earrings. Later, Chi-Chi herself, along with nearly the entire population on Earth, gets possessed by Baby. This introduces the game's single dish cooking mechanics. After coming back from the beach, Bulma is briefly seen in a white shirt and pants with brown shoes and gloves when attempting to ride Goku's Flying Nimbus. Briefs for a waiter, Chi-Chi helpfully tells him that the scientist is actually the richest man on Earth. History Talk Main article: Dark King Mechikabura Saga. She later finds out that she is going to become a grandmother, when Videl reveals she is pregnant with Gohan's child.

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