Pornhub sexually broken

Pornhub sexually broken

Our basic human dignity demands — and deserves — more. Stumbling upon such a horrific video was not an isolated incident. If one was trying to mitigate a reputational disaster such as the one Pornhub has suffered, it might make sense to do exactly this — put a glossy romantic veneer over a platform steeped in abusive and exploitative practices. What is more likely, is that the site is pointedly aware that the category is linked to a hotbed of illegal and abusive material. Even Heavy-R commenters questioned the legality of the video due to its brutality, with one user from the country the video originated from even updating that the primary male featured was currently in prison. The diversity of users and ambiguous origin of the content they upload makes determining who to report illegal content to extremely difficult, as the jurisdiction of various investigatory bodies generally end at national borders. Of course, it could just be the case that it has simply gone out of fashion, but this is unlikely. In , Mastercard and Visa ended their relationship with PornHub after dozens of sexual assault victims brought attention to how the site had monetized content featuring their rape or assault, and, in many cases, refused to remove the videos. The figures from make for alarming reading for several reasons. Help us expose male violence by becoming a monthly donor! Another video quickly suggested to me featured a webcam model being paid to punch herself in the face until her nose appeared to be visibly broken and she was bleeding heavily. While some of the commenters were horrified by the explicitness, many expressly declared their enjoyment of the video with misogynistic slurs.

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