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Email address. A pp said he's not interested in being faithful, I don't agree, the poor bloke is being scrutinised to the nth degree and this is all you've found? You sound very immature so I'm guessing quite young? Pornhub last night purged millions of user-uploaded videos from its platform amid allegations that it was hosting content featuring child sexual exploitation, nonconsensual violence, rape, and other unlawful material. When I stream TV shows from dodgy websites pirate I get millions of pop ups for those sorts of websites. Active Watching Add post I'm on Search. Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username. Please send us essays or videos of your critiques. I even have a sense of loss for experiencing tragic news——a moment in world history——without being drenched in endless opinions online. Friendship, family, love, self-worth—all have been recast and commodified by the new digital world: by constant connectivity, by apps and algorithms, by increasingly solitary platforms and video games. A time of being both disconnected but supremely connected. This is also deeply unhealthy and toxic not to mention controlling.

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