Pornhub stat

Pornhub stat

The states whose residents spend the least time per visit—nine to 10 minutes—are moderate to conservative and largely in the mountain West: Kansas. Desktop computers: 24 percent, down 4 percent. Feel free to contact us about our backgrounds, analysis, or data sets at: researchcenter bedbible. We, therefore, investigated the most popular sex positions featured in porn videos. Residents of different states average varying amounts of time on PornHub. Basic Statistic Global social networks ranked by number of users Basic Statistic Total global visitor traffic to user-generated content websites Basic Statistic Total global visitor traffic to Facebook. But what happens when we isolate white males and look only at the percentage that receives oral sex versus men of other colors? Other statistics on the topic. Of course, porn critics are certain to denounce this information as the work of the Devil. Basic Statistic Global news site traffic growth Premium Statistic Online subscriptions to news websites worldwide Basic Statistic English-language news websites on TikTok worldwide , by follower count Premium Statistic Social network usage for news access worldwide Basic Statistic Decline in aggregate social media traffic to news sites worldwide Premium Statistic Leading news websites in the United Kingdom UK , by monthly visits. Are all lubricants safe to swallow? As for uploads to the site, PornHub estimates 7, gigabytes per minute, enough to fill the memories of every smartphone in the world Demographics PornHub says its audience is 75 percent men and 25 percent women.

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