Pornhub stats

Pornhub stats

It will never be mainstream. Tablet usage is firm at five percent. However, an increasing number of x-rated performers of color are taking control and directing their videos and owning their sites. Fortunately, one of the most visited adult websites globally, Pornhub, provides valuable insights by anonymously collecting and sharing user data each year, unveiling the ever-evolving landscape of sexual desires. Once again, PlayStation players reign supreme in this race. Maybe not surprisingly, there is a dark side to the statistics of Pornhub. However, Egypt leads the charge with 11 minute and second average. Including but not limited to sexology, industry research, market size estimations, genders, biases, relationships, and other areas of human interactions. We have the last 12 months spent over 9, hours watching porn videos on Pornhub to provide statistical evidence for what the videos on Pornhub contain. The results are stunning! And then we did the same for female actors on Pornhub. We counted all the male actors and the percentage of which received oral.

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