Pornhub sues texas

Pornhub sues texas

Channel Ars Technica. Archives Search Archives Search Issues. Breaking News. Breaking News. In another attempt to limit the accessibility of adult content online, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has sued two more pornography distribution companies, alleging that they are in violation of a state law requiring age verification for sexually explicit websites. Dallas promises Eddie Garcia he will be the highest paid police chief in Texas. The law requires adult-content websites to verify that users are at least 18 years old by entering a government ID or a suitable alternative identification. In Texas, companies cannot get away with showing porn to children. There was an error submitting your message. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Texas could easily spread its ideological, anti-pornography message through public service announcements and the like without foisting its viewpoint upon others through mandated statements that are a mix of falsehoods, discredited pseudo-science, and baseless accusations. Aylo, known as MindGeek until last year , is facing mounting regulatory and political battles.

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