Pornhub tesla

Pornhub tesla

Last week, a couple had sex in a moving Tesla on Autopilot and uploaded the video to PornHub. Visa and the hedge funds did extensive research before choosing to work with PornHub, so they were aware of what was happening, the lawsuits claim. He didn't refer to the video directly but said, "Turns out there's more ways to use Autopilot than we imagined," adding, "Shoulda seen it coming The judges overseeing those cases allowed them to move forward as class actions late last year. After that, the number of searches will gradually settle down, but when CEO of Mr. They put the car on Autopilot. Bear Grylls led Everest trek in attempt to recover body of Spencer Matthews' brother. It's been a great year for the car company though, as they have made strides in cornering the electric car market, but video surfaced the other week of a major Tesla Model 3 design flaw. Thanks for signing up! In fact, porn star Taylor Jackson and her boyfriend once decided to film themselves having sex inside a moving Tesla and shared the footage on Pornhub - much to Elon Musk 's amusement. It is also facing a lawsuit from the family of former Apple engineer named Walter Huang, who died in a March accident while his Tesla Model X was in Autopilot mode. Sub Culture Sub Culture News.

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