Pornhub the movie

Pornhub the movie

Gwen Adora Self - Porn Performer. Even the initial promise of OnlyFans, the next bastion of model-based content that also wrestles with censorship, is only discussed briefly in the last 10 minutes. When the doc's discussion turns to Pornhub's egregious acts firing up anti-porn movements, Hillinger interviews groups like the National Center on Sexual Exploitation and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children about who is really to blame or what should be done. The message was not clear which is a usual thing in such documentaries where the incidents are told by the people in the documentary. Lazareth Nell Minow. Recently viewed. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Tomris Laffly. But Hillinger holds the movie together by maintaining a firm thesis: sex work is work, and consent is a vital part of the business. Photos The focus seemed to be my "free speech " but used the porn hub brand to get views. Director Suzanne Hillinger. The issues raised within this documentary are deeply concerning and it appears no executives have been taken to task yet.

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