Pornhub valuation

Pornhub valuation

BY Alicia Adamczyk. To access all Premium Statistics, you need a paid Statista Account. Ian McKellen fell on ME! Read more. Archived from the original on 14 October Archived from the original on 4 April Statista, Market size of the online pornographic and adult content industry in the United States from to in million U. The Independent. Of the 34 women, 14 were underage when the nonconsensual videos were uploaded and another 14 were victims of convicted sex criminals. Archived from the original on 19 August The U. Pornhub users have often uploaded non-pornographic content to the site, including posts of Hollywood films believing copyright holders would be less likely to look for uploads on Pornhub relative to mainstream video-sharing services such as YouTube , to monetize content deemed ineligible for monetization, or as memes and jokes.

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