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In response to Greenskulllord. Back to main menu For Business Email Repair. Clear cache data in YouTube App The temporary files in your YouTube app may be interrupting smooth play of degree videos. Web Compatibility browser. The metadata will need to specifically identify the video as being in formats otherwise YouTube will try and upload it as a normal video which will get confusing and messy. Restart your phone Turn off and on your Android or iPhone. To make selections with capacitive touch, be sure to align your cursor with the object or button you want to interact with, then press the silver button firmly. Also Unity-made popup question is shown on the wrong side backside - shown in the video attachment. SmilyAtol August 3, , am She is passionate about Photography, Creative Designing, Music, and Exploring lesser-known destinations. Page content loaded. I had download some of video on YouTube and save on my windows pc.

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