I'm going to suggest it's probably time to lock this issue. Willing to accept guidance to correct my use of systemd-resolve, If you can, Please add some necessary feature to systemd-resolve to solve such problem,. I tried making adaptions to deal with multiple VPN connections by letting it kick in on vpn-down as well, in addition to a second contains string check. Hmm, not sure I follow. I enter the URL for the site I want blocked, and select 'Always' But then that site is still accessible by all devices? We did not think our Porn hub because of zero-sum match we got both leading caliber and astonishing, genuinely amazing grade. That's why I'm thinking it is most probably a systemd-resolve issue. This is a test for a client's site. The original problem here is likely a three-year-old NetworkManager bug -- long since fixed -- and if not, it's something particular to the original reporter's configuration. That was the most intense 3 minutes of my life. I have done this in three steps Connect the VPN.

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