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She was probably in her bedroom doing the same thing to herself. She took a breather from her oral action, spread her flushed thighs and told me to go to town. Happy holidays! After Mother left, we went right to bed where we were already spending most of our time when my mom was out of the house. Needless to say, I couldn't finish the job. Maybe I even had a hidden desire to have my mother teach me those things, and Michelle's appearance on the scene probably saved some embarrassing moments that could have cropped up between Mom and me. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. MILF Manor opens up a world of possibility where all our favorite fake shows and movies become a reality. Related Articles More from Author No related articles. I had never enjoyed sex with any other woman the way I had with Michelle. Is it worth thinking twice, or can it be empowering? Search in content.

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