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Aaron Sanderford Political reporter Aaron Sanderford has tackled various news roles in his year career. Watch Next. A company spokesman who declined to give his name said such laws require adult websites to collect information about users in ways that put personally identifying information at risk. You might, too. Unless your man is 13 years old, multiple times a day is too much. Either way this goes, your man might need professional help. He's wasting the potential for a fuller sex life with his partner, plus dopamine and God only knows how much time. Acknowledge that he is going to want some alone time once in a while, and that you're okay with it. Let's dispense with the idea that you can—or even should—help him break his habit once and for all. Our kids already face too many threats from Big Tech and the obscene content industry. Something make you anxious this week, or any week? First Amendment advocates and others pushing for freer expression have argued that children today carry the internet in their pockets and will find other ways to access porn.

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