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Search Search for:. Lay it on me at askdaveholmes gmail. Even with a flesh-and-blood, ready and willing partner at home, a person needs to escape to Fantasyland once in a while. How about Real Reality? Foxconn is buying Sharp. Too much of our dialogue about sex, whether we intend it to or not, boils down to shame. There are of course men who never do this; we call these people "Mike Pence," and they are awful. It's affecting him he seems depressed and disconnected and I'm not thrilled with the less-than-average sex lately. It relieves some pressure. Seems like your dude is hiding from something and depending on an old reliable habit to help him avoid dealing with it. Razer, manufacturers of garish computer peripherals designed for year-old Mountain Dew aficionados dressed in JNCOs, are expanding their business. Unless your man is 13 years old, multiple times a day is too much.

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