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I prayed the water would heat up quickly. But I guess a great fuck deserves a reward. As his jeans fell I reached up and took his boxers in my hands, I pulled them down. Donnie's Feed and Seed anonymous No one knows what happened but everyone around me has in some way felt the repercussions. After the fact she told me she wanted to be with me an that she always had. I went in, and began to look around the room for something to give me an excuse to get him in here. She came over to me, put the collar and lead on me. I told him yeah i fucked her an we talked about some other stuff. I then raced through the brisk air to the tub, where I slid in. Her ass felt so firm and I teased the anus with my thumb till she begged me to stick it in. This undermined a healthy relationship with my dad.

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