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I would expect an organic, naturally-selected alien species to be interested in colonizing planets and building megastructures, but an AI? A superintelligent AI that just sits there and does what it is told to do is as dangerous as a breadbox. And the AI could organize many humans. AI Gay Porn Sites. We can specify that the AI keeps learning its goals indefinitely, but it has to start pursuing them some time, or it is not much of an AI. All of these tactics operate at human speed. Amorals competing against one another and discarding their safeguards or luxury values applies even more strongly to competing corporate firms, where you instead have much more diffuse decisionmaking process how much easier is it to convince Elon Musk of something than the board of a publicly held company and where there are pressures and even legal principles strongly discouraging the consideration of any value beyond shareholder price. Because otherwise all it can do is use our current tools with more intelligence. To Gbdub, but human intelligence allowed us to reach those technological advances WAY faster than animals could get evolutionary adaptations capable of countering that. They get killed in fishing nets all the time accidentally! The risk is that in a world with hard takeoffs and difficult control problems, you get superhuman AIs that hurl everybody off cliffs. As a academic AI researcher and someone personally acquainted with many of the people involved in OpenAI , it seems to me that this post conveys a number of misconceptions both about what will go on at OpenAI and about the state of AI research.

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