Removed pornhub videos

Removed pornhub videos

Pornhub is removing all videos uploaded to its site by unverified users, millions of videos in total, as part of a crackdown on user-uploaded content after two major payment processors suspended service. Ranking Keywords Total 13,, 11,, — 2,, So a year on, traffic levels are generally improving whilst the total number of ranking keywords has decreased. How is this expression different from the one removing the resolution? More from Tech. Menu Expand. Whilst the content was removed in December, aside from a spike in May, estimated traffic has actually been declining month over month since the start of the year. Find all posts by accelheim. Thank you I will try this one. Send a private message to accelheim. Remember Me? Organic Search Visibility for Adult Tube Sites So, as a primer for this data — the May 4th, Google update had a significant impact on the adult sector, across not only tube video websites, but also specialist websites, niche websites, and independent publishers. Regular expressions are something you need to learn if you understand how they work - e.

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