Russian pussy

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April 8, Retrieved April 16, It was directed by Mike Lerner and Maksim Pozdorovkin, and featured publicly available footage of the court proceedings and interviews with the families of the band members, but no interviews with the band members themselves. Retrieved April 30, Tolokonnikova is seen as the face of the group. How much punk is there in Pussy Riot? But the idea is the same: weaponise your art' ". Later that month the group re-emerged, with several members playing "Kropotkin Vodka" on the roof of an automobile display unit in a luxury-store district and in the windows of fashion boutiques, while another member discharged a fire extinguisher into the air. On July 4, the defendants were informed that they would have to finish preparing their defense by July 9. Group concerns include education, health care , and the centralization of power, and the group supports regional autonomy and grass-roots organizing. Masha Alyokhina is a writer and Katya Samutsevich a media artist. Retrieved November 10,

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