Serena fleites pornhub

Serena fleites pornhub

Expand full comment Reply Share. MindGeek and Pornhub did not immediately respond to questions Monday. Nick Kristof deserves our strong support for reporting the abominable violence against young innocents in this posting. Start Writing Get the app. Serena Fleites — who first gained attention in December, when she shared her story in a New York Times piece about child pornography on Pornhub — told politicians during a Feb. Two remaining dogs involved in fatal attack on Calgary senior will be put down. Kira Kyle. Millions of views. When I interviewed her, she was living in a car with her dogs — and it all started with that Pornhub video. Weeks later, I heard from various people in my town that they had viewed me on this site. Subscribe to our free newsletter today. Why, after being alerted by Plaintiff that the video was child porn, would it allow the video to be reuploaded, whereafter advertisements were again featured alongside the reuploaded videos?

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