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Thread starter JournalBot Start date Jul 3, Again in your red state comment. I don't think there's many generalizations at the level you're making that are anything remotely close to reality. We had a similar issue with our Council and one particular man, but as his social media wasn't linked to his role on the council, they couldn't do anything. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure all the content you host isn't stolen, or otherwise illegal. Reagan then put some window dressing on it and made the mess "proper" while taking the extra time to entrench the belief that anyone in misery deserved to be miserable. Obamacare is a perfect example - it was originally the "Affordable Care Act" - a republican initiative. The impact is in theory greater. Did it have a direct affect on some of the dodgy stuff that was going on. Against my will I might add. New posts. Plus, the video that made me that much?

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