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Vesak Day or Vesakha Bucha Day is the day that commemorates the birth and enlightenment to Nirvana, and death of Buddha in the Buddhists faith. The aim of the rally is to draw attention to the urgency of the climate crisis ahead of the European elections. Mattel is releasing new Barbie dolls depicting some of the world's most celebrated female athletes as part of the brand's ongoing celebration of Barbie's 65th anniversary. Technical Flat sketch of big collar button down blouse. Vilnius Pink Soup Fest is held this year for the second time and kick-start the summer season in the city. The final product is an edgy, clubby slice of psychedelic-pop heaven. The perfect day Sleep in and start the day late. The 83rd edition of the Madrid Book Fair is held under the slogan 'Sport illuminates the Fair', which evokes the idea of physical activity exercise as a game or competition, and whose practice is an inspiration for literary creation. RSA Harry F. Rybakina, a former Wimbledon champion, made an early double fault but held in the opening game under the roof on Court Lenglen. The ascender has entered a preset orbit around the moon, said the China National Space Administration.

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