Sexy jennifer aniston pics

Sexy jennifer aniston pics

Her golden locks had adorable beachy curls as she wore a straw sun hat and shades during a well-earned getaway. Follow us Facebook Twitter Youtube Pinterest. The actress flaunted her killer abs in a mismatched brown and pink bikini as she spent the weekend before her 41st birthday in with good friends Courteney Cox and Sheryl Crow in Cabo. The blonde bombshell has shared the screen with legendary stars, won countless awards and shown off her incredible sense of style on red carpets all over the world. Her golden locks had adorable beachy curls as she wore a straw sun hat and shades during a well-earned vacation. Email Password. Sunny and Bright The Hollywood Walk of Fame recipient wore a coral bandeau-style bikini top during another romantic getaway. The Hollywood Walk of Fame recipient wore a coral bandeau-style bikini top during another romantic getaway. Related Articles. Open menu button. Jennifer soaked in the sun wearing a strapless red bikini top after ringing in in Cabo San Lucas with friends. Featured Articles.

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