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Franchot, a writer of primarily fiction, put all of his work on hold when his mother became ill, at the time of a strange illness. A different doc worked him up and confirmed sepsis. Never did any doctor come to us and say he has sepsis or his organs are shutting down due to infection. Even if your mother does say something critical or hurtful and it seems deliberate, the underlying cause is probably something very emotionally troubling to your mother that she hasn't figured out how to deal with. She was a healthy 96 with no illnesses and a sharp mind. The following minerals and vitamins are important in the later years of life. Each time she was sent home and told it was just because she was stressed and she should rest and meditate. They dropped her last summer and then they put her in hospice. It had no effect. I fought it for 3 weeks with every possible side effect. Fortunately for the movie, by the time the silliness kicks in we have enough emotional investment with the characters to carry us through to the end and actually enjoy the show. When we reveal that she is, in fact, my mother, there is a whole lot of shocked gasps.

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