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The unassuming-but-not-unattractive Boccas. Off somewhere else? Images below are for illustrative purposes to assist your choice. Our experts. Sizes: 35—43 Style: Driver Material: Suede, rubber sole Embellishments: Beefroll stitching Driving loafers were originally created for men who wanted more grip when driving, hence their name and knobbed sole. You also have the choice of being a little more exposed with a pair of our open-toe shoes or sticking to a more conservative look with our closed-toe sandals. As their name suggests, these sandals are flat and have no heels like most other sandals. Wide Leg Trousers From skinny jeans to wide-legged jeans, a pair with women's sandals will radiate nothing less than the preferred look you imagine. Our expert artisans, relying on the legendary Italian tradition of shoemaking, have shaped them with elegance and attention to details: that's what our collection is made of: passion, knowledge, taste and history. Pay weekly or fortnightly. In rare situations, getting skirts paired with sandals could be tricky, especially for newbies, but it is what you can bypass with simple tactics.

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