Slam meth video

Slam meth video

Target features several T-shirts from the Phluid Project with rainbow motifs as part of its Pride collection. A number of artists Target tapped to design part of its Pride collection have taken to social media to lament the retailer's product development process, including last-minute cuts, drastically altered designs, wasted products and little recognition. Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously preserved access to a medication that was used in nearly two-thirds of all abortions in the U. China EVs are coming for Europe carmakers. Yahoo Personal Finance. The strong El Nino weather condition that added a bit of extra heat to already record warm global temperatures is gone. Career Tech aims to teach students career, life skills. This is the latest controversy for the Minneapolis-based company that has struggled to find even footing on LGBTQ issues after conservative backlash about some Pride items last year contributed to the retailer's dipping sales. Manitoba RCMP say they may never be able to talk to the driver of a bus involved in a crash that killed 17 people a year ago. Cruz wins middle school science fair, heads to national competition. Hit-and-miss rain totals were reported across the Maritimes on Wednesday, the result of the scattered coverage of showers and thunderstorms. The federal government is moving to expand early retirement eligibility for some kinds of front-line workers.

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