Spanked bubble butt

Spanked bubble butt

Because he has a job to do, Settra, a job to civilize the barbarians, and if that means he has to spank her ass then so be it. I closed the door until I could spy out a crack and saw her stomp into her room and shut the door behind her. Love to hear the rest! Given the erosion of strong male virtues in our time, if such a show finds a female audience, one might reasonably suspect a Freudian fostering of a longing for the aforementioned lost virtues on the part of said audience. All four of her cheeks were blushing furiously in no time, and at some point I either felt bad enough for her, or got scared I'd be next, and shuffled my way down the hall to bathroom. Report an issue with this series. Stick to the meaty part of her butt, and I wouldn't use something rigid like a paddle you're fine with a flogger. This thread is closed to new comments. Results 1 to 19 of Book 9. Christ, we really need the ability to anonymise comments here. Really amazing.

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