The other thing that is essential for a paper doll is that she should have gobs and gobs of awesome outfits that can be easily tried on and taken off. Read View source View history. Here's what one of the clothing shops looks like:. A paper doll is not articulated in any way. The more tailored dresses are too loose in the chest. She has practically no articulation. One of the reasons the doll doesn't stand very well on her own is that one of the feet seems to be in an odd position:. In , with the help of her son, she upgraded the site and called it Paperdoll Heaven. To purchase things for your doll like new clothes, furniture, makeup and other accessories, you can visit the Stardoll shops. So, we get to have the fun of finding replacement bodies. What she should be is an easy-to-dress doll with an expansive wardrobe. You can see the prices in the upper right hand corner.
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