Sue pornhub

Sue pornhub

Visa, which is named as a defendant and is accused of knowingly profiting from the trafficking alleged in Thursday's suit, resumed processing some transactions. Two women have told Sky News they were left feeling ashamed and suicidal after explicit videos of them were posted on the world's biggest online porn website - they claim without their consent. Profile My News Sign Out. Podcast This content is provided by Podcast , which may be using cookies and other technologies. Story continues below advertisement. The lawyer representing the 34 women spent the last year building a civil case against the company. Search Search. What does the lawsuit say? Israeli tank shells hit tent camp, killing at least 25, say Gaza health officials. All models were at least 18 years old at the time of their performance. CBS News , which spoke with four out of the 34 women, reported that those suing the company have accused it of exploiting them for profit, hosting and promoting graphic videos of rape, revenge porn and even videos that depict child sexual abuse. It also owns porn production companies but CBS News claimed that for years the majority of content on PornHub was uploaded by users.

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