Taffyta muttonfudge

Taffyta muttonfudge

Taffyta's most frequent target for bullying is Vanellope , whom she believes is a glitch capable of getting this game unplugged. Rancis is shocked, Candlehead freaks out over her candle being blown out, and Taffyta starts crying. In the tie-in storybook, One Sweet Race, which takes place after the film, Taffyta is one of the best racers and has won cups for it, and teases Rancis because he never won a race, serving as the antagonist of the storybook. In an attempt to make her stop, Vanellope pulls Taffyta away from the kart, but this angers her to the point she jabs her and pushes her into a mud puddle. After a grand day of racing, the arcade closes and the racers of Sugar Rush prepare to pay their fee one gold coin to race in the daily Random Roster Race. Physical Appearance Taffyta is a small girl with Chibi-like proportions: she has a large head in relation to a small body. Taffyta's ensemble is almost entirely comprised of shades of pink. Comments 0. Disney Revival. Taffyta and the other racers arrive at the junkyard and command Vanellope to drop out, as King Candy told her glitches are unable to race. Their plan fails, however, and they are the ones to fall out of the race. This spooks the three into spinning out, and they miss the higher part of the course when they are shot out of the cannon, falling into a cupcake frosting below.

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TAFFYTA MUTTONFUDGE / coachmartygross.info