Takiya young twitter

Takiya young twitter

Next Up:. Fri She intended to go back to school after the birth of the baby this fall. Officer 2. Her unborn daughter, due in November, did not survive. On Sunday, protesters gathered at Goodale Park, reading out names of community members who had deadly encounters with police. Wed The tote bag full of liquor is visible as they drag her from the car. The police union has said that calls to charge the officer before an investigation is complete are premature. Still image from a body-worn camera video showing the moments that led a Blendon Township police officer to fatally shoot Ta'Kiya at a Kroger on Sunbury Road. Body cam video shows her trying to drive away from the scene when an officer fired through the windshield. Ta'Kiya Young was killed after police said she drove toward officers in the parking lot of the Kroger location on Sunbury Road.

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TAKIYA YOUNG TWITTER / coachmartygross.info