Texas sues pornhub

Texas sues pornhub

House Bill became law in Texas last June, requiring adult websites to "use reasonable age verification measures to ensure those viewing their pornography are 18 years of age or older. In Texas, companies cannot get away with showing porn to children. Pornhub shut down access to its adult content in Texas after losing a court battle over a new state law, passed by the Texas Legislature in May , requiring users to input government ID for age verification. In Louisiana, where the state has set up a third-party age verification service LA Wallet , Aylo is willing to require verification. Moreover, as experience has demonstrated, unless properly enforced, users will simply access non-compliant sites or find other methods of evading these laws. In a news release , Paxton framed his legal fight against porn companies as an effort to protect children from "harmful" and "obscene" materials. Jenkins S. Philip is a graduate of the University of Texas-Austin. Start your day with Reason. In Texas, Aylo has neither blocked users nor given in to the government's demands. Tyler J. SB4 in Texas: What you need to know about the controversial immigration law.

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TEXAS SUES PORNHUB / coachmartygross.info