Trevi fountain webcam

Trevi fountain webcam

The Trevi Fountain is made of travertine stone and features a central sculpture of Oceanus, the Greek god of the sea, riding a shell-shaped chariot pulled by two sea horses and two tritons. The stands could accommodate 50 thousand spectators. Brazil Canada Chile. The center of the square is decorated with the famous Barcaccia fountain, made in the Baroque style by the ingenious project of Pietro Bernini. The webcam is broadcasting live from Rome Italy. Mondello Beach - Palermo. The fountain also includes numerous other sculptures and reliefs, including depictions of Abundance and Health. It is one of the most famous and recognizable symbols of Rome in the world and one of the most beautiful fountains of the Italian capital, an impressive masterpiece of late Baroque architecture, sculpture and engineering by Nicola Salvi, Trevi Fountain Fontana di Trevi and its magnificent backdrop Poli Palace Palazzo Poli dominate Trevi Square Piazza Trevi. Sultanahmet or Blue mosque is a work of art of Turkish-Islamic architecture. The camera will shoot the harbour and the promenade of the city. The broadcast is conducted online. Copyright -

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