Vampires in porn

Vampires in porn

Again, it is what it is. One of the most profitable independent films ever made, Love at First Bite is a comedy that finds super-tanned leading man George Hamilton as a beleaguered Count Dracula who has been expelled from communist Romania and has moved to New York in the hopes of finding a nice girl to settle down with. Then in the next scene her fangs aren't even bloody after just killing the guy. You might want to check our site for a better experience. The film definitely has its moments, but overall it gets pretty boring in-between at a running-time of barely 80 minutes. The legendary horror actor Peter Cushing was originally cast as Giles Barton but had to back out in order to care for his ailing wife. I got nothing out of watching this movie other than anticipation of it's ending. I won't go through the plot, but there is some humor, some terror, some bad decisions, and a host of pretty scary figures, closing in on innocent victims. Movies like this don't seem to come around too often, at least I don't see them. Was this review helpful? But when she does, he is not repelled—instead, he asks her to bite him so he can join the tribe. My vote is five.

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