Whats up brother original video

Whats up brother original video

Miiverse Yeah! Stars of the beloved '70s series reunited ahead of the show's 50th anniversary at the Monte-Carlo Television Festival in Monaco on Saturday, June The lover usually answers with "Tuesday, Tuesday" or one of Sketch's other catchphrases. But where did it come from? The reactions from the boyfriends ranged from amusement to confusion, adding an extra layer of humor and playfulness to the meme. Please click here to learn how. Encourages widespread quoting and adaptations, making the meme easily recognizable. Renew Subscription. Already have an account? The accessibility of the catchphrase on platforms like TikTok allowed users to easily participate in the trend, leading to a surge in user-generated content and meme remixes that continues to keep the meme alive and relevant. Random individuals coming together to partake in a popular meme, highlighting unity and shared humor. IE 11 is not supported.

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WHATS UP BROTHER ORIGINAL VIDEO / coachmartygross.info