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I get it. The same with masturbation, it's natural to fiddle, enjoy it, and dare I say it, join in. But you have a right to sexual satisfaction too, so something has to give. Something make you anxious this week, or any week? G eorge. Seems like your dude is hiding from something and depending on an old reliable habit to help him avoid dealing with it. How can I help him break the habit once and for all? There was an error while thanking. Fellows, if you met a young woman and had been wanting to find a wife, that's a life long committed relationship, that you even enter into with a prayer, how faithful do you want her? Any talk like this, especially around the subject of masturbation, carries the risk of sounding like a s hygiene film. Fantasies have come to stay, it only needs one careful mind to hand it, perfection seem not be a quality of created beings like ours, Carolyn, is it not time to initiate fantasies club Everyone is unique and thank god Some days it's not even worth knawing at the straps.

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