Www red toube

Www red toube

Suppose Dr. If there are lots of you, trying to smash someone will likely lead to both of you losing and everyone else going on without you. Sure the AI on day 1 only looks like the human with a spear and bow, we could take that with numbers. The show is not very useful to this discussion, as it touches on the AI Risk themes on a very level. Human beings already have a society that can provide a very large surplus of labor and resources. If you can get money by hacking some banking systems, you can pay them to work for you. An AI with poorly programmed values is way more scary than an AI with correctly programmed values-of-some-project-with-dubious-morals. Obviously you disagree. Evil use AI? No, not at all. You are clearly wrong. The AI built by Dr Good in Person of Interest has very strong restrains both for the AI itself and what the user can do with it and neither can usually remove the restrains.

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WWW RED TOUBE / coachmartygross.info