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Contact Us. In the physical world you would show your ID to the store clerk, or more likely not even be asked for ID at all if you were sufficiently old-looking. First Amendment advocates and others pushing for freer expression have argued that children today carry the internet in their pockets and will find other ways to access porn. Least of all centralized authority. Once again, porn may be on the forefront of pushing technology VPNs mainstream. Pornhub advocate for devices to do authentication of ID i. He said pornography companies lie about privacy and safety concerns. Digital Marketing. Veliladon 3 hours ago parent next [—] They're not saying age verification is wrong, but dozens of skeezy sites taking in personally identifiable information who should have no business in taking in personally identifiable information is a bad idea. He reported on politics, crime, courts, local government and business for the Omaha World-Herald and Lincoln Journal-Star. You could do age verification without a database, but it would be one hell of a lot easier with a database. Tao 3 hours ago parent prev next [—] Maybe you're right, but in the real world I'm already getting multiple letters a year from companies that have my PII and have had an unexpected breach.

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