

Are you sure? I typed my books, 'Xn [X to the Nth]' and 'An Unsanded Floor', and their screenplay and teleplay adaptations, entirely with my eyes by using eye gaze tracking technology on a digital keyboard. What is the value of an individual? You can change the cookie settings in your browser. The technical writing was very interesting but I have to admit a little over my head but enjoyable anyway. The story is a complex one and will appeal to anyone who has even the slightest leaning toward the sci-fi genre. What place does faith have in the world of tomorrow? Townsend's words almost jump off the page; they are so beautifully crafted. This author seems to only have one other book. The fact of the matter is, this realm may not be far from the one we live in today. This is a very well written book. Great storyline!

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