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How did anyone get them to sleep in the first place? She picked up a Cheerio from the floor and lifted it tenderly toward my mouth. New Yorker Favorites. We needed that noise to survive. Why not give men credit for the fetus—even that? MP4 2 min 2 min Hard1Forfun -. Lustful woman gets tits t. The baby now consented to sleep in her stroller, as long as she was moving. It was better than the humidity of his unspoken temper. A blood clot fell out of my body and landed on the tiles. They blocked the noise but not my view. Everywhere we nursed, everywhere I read, every time I ate, I imagined someday telling my daughter the story of these days—every stockroom cardboard box I perched on to breast-feed, every hotel-lobby chair I used to change her diaper, every night I returned from a reading to watch her body sleeping in the dark, swelling with each milky breath, dreaming its inscrutable dreams.

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